If you are considering enrolling your son at Epping Boys High School please contact the enrolment officer, who would be pleased to provide you with information. We welcome all enquiries.
Year 6 students applying for Year 7 placement obtain their Expression of Interest from their primary school or, in the case of non-government schools, from https://education.nsw.gov.au/public-schools/going-to-a-public-school/media/documents/Moving-into-Year-7-in-a-NSW-Government-School.pdf. Year 7 students applying during the year should contact our enrolment officer for further information.
For further information either telephone the school or write to:
The Enrolment Officer
Epping Boys High School
213 Vimiera Road, Eastwood NSW 2122
Phone: 02 9869 2701
Fax: 02 9868 1198