Epping Boys High School

Strive to achieve

Telephone02 9869 2701


Enrolment contacts

If you are considering enrolling your son at Epping Boys High School please contact the enrolment officer, who would be pleased to provide you with information.  We welcome all enquiries.

Year 6 students applying for Year 7 placement obtain their Expression of Interest from their primary school or, in the case of non-government schools, from https://education.nsw.gov.au/public-schools/going-to-a-public-school/media/documents/Moving-into-Year-7-in-a-NSW-Government-School.pdf. Year 7 students applying during the year should contact our enrolment officer for further information.

For further information either telephone the school or write to:

The Enrolment Officer

Epping Boys High School

213 Vimiera Road, Eastwood NSW 2122

Phone: 02 9869 2701    

Fax: 02 9868 1198

Email: eppingboy-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au

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