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Epping Boys High School

Epping Boys High School

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Voluntary Religious Activities

Voluntary Student Activities of a Religious Nature in Schools

A number of students at Epping Boys High School voluntarily participate in religious groups, which meet weekly during lunchtimes. In accordance with Department of Education policy, visiting group leaders undergo all appropriate child protection checks and practices and the content of the activities is regularly monitored.

Following are details of the voluntary groups of a religious nature, which operate at Epping Boys High School


Run by

Day and Venue

Participating Year

ISCF Leadership

School Chaplain

Tuesday C7 or C8

Years 10-12


School Chaplain

Friday C7 or C8

Years 7-12

ISLAM Prayer group

Muslim students

Monday – Thursday C7 or C8

Years 7-12

ISLAM Prayer group

Muslim community member

Friday C7 or C8

Years 7-12

Department of Education's Religious Education Implementation Procedures, last updated December 2016, now require parental permission for students who participate in voluntary student activities of a religious nature in schools. Before participating in any of the above mentioned activities, a student must present the permission slip, signed by a parent or carer, to Mr Bailey. Group leaders will maintain a list of all students from whom a permission note has been received. Permission will remain effective unless a letter of withdrawal is received from the student's parent or carer.