Epping Boys High School is committed to excellence in boys' education. As part of this commitment we have a dedicated BTM (Boys To Men) period each fortnight for students in Years 7-10. This is a whole school approach to developing the social and emotional wellbeing of all boys through providing an environment that promotes and enhances resilience.
Young people need to respond to complex and dynamic factors such as community values, new technologies, media influences, environmental concerns, changing family structures and employment patterns. Providing students with an opportunity to reflect on these factors, whilst developing their understanding of their own strengths and resiliency, is a core aim of the BTM period. The topics covered include future options, masculinity and leadership which will provide an opportunity for students to engage in reflection and discussion in smaller student centred focus groups, ensuring issues addressed are relevant to boys. A significant focus of BTM is providing an environment where students can develop their interpersonal relationships with teachers and their peers.
The Years 7-10 BTM Period involves:
Teacher lead discussion groups on topics such as Identity, Masculinity, Relationships, Resilience, Leadership, Study Skills, Social Justice, Stress Management and Careers. These topics will be structured so that they are related to the age and maturity of each group and develop the core concept of resilience and life long learning over the course of the six years.
Year Group Meetings/Assemblies which will enable Year Advisers to have frequent contact with their students for organisation and acknowledgement of student achievement in relation to our core values of Respect, Responsibility and Engagement.
External Presenters and associated workshops
Mentoring Programs