Epping Boys High School

Strive to achieve

Telephone02 9869 2701


Religion and ethics

NSW public schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics, delivered by approved providers wherever available.

Religious Education Policy


At Epping Boys High School, SRE (Special Religious Education) is delivered on Wednesdays from 8:45-9:15 for all students of years 7, 8 and 9.

NB. Years 10, 11 and 12 start school at 9:15 on Wednesdays.

How SRE works

During the online enrolment process, parents/carers will be asked to make their SRE choice. Our school does not offer Special Education in Ethics (SEE). After the inital enrolment, notification of changes to a child's enrolment in SRE can be updated online using the below link. You can change the SRE selection of your child at any time by informing the school in writing.


SRE teachers from multiple faiths are authorised by the Department of Education as recognised and approved providers. All faiths are required to teach from an authorised curriculum. 

For those opting for their child not to participate in SRE, supervision will be provided in designated areas.

The following SRE options are offered at Epping Boys High School:

1.       Christian Combined SRE functions as a combined arrangement whereby associated denominations participate together using the same curriculum known as “Think Faith”.

All Protestant SRE teachers are provided by local church communities and are authorised and trained by the following approved providers:

Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT

Anglican Diocese of Sydney

Presbyterian Churches of Australia

Lutheran Church of Australia NSW district

For more information on Protestant SRE please visit the Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT website. https://nswactbaptists.org.au/baptistsre/

For information on this approved curriculum, Think Faith, including its scope and sequence, please follow the link provided below.



2.       Catholic SRE teachers are provided by the local parish and are authorised by the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney. The Catholic SRE curriculum is known as “Christ our Light and Life”.

For more information on Catholic SRE and the curriculum please visit the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney website.



3.       Islamic SRE teachers and curriculum are provided and authorised by Islamic Special Religious Education. The curriculum teaches students to love, learn and live Islam.

For more information on Islamic SRE and the curriculum please visit



4.       Buddhist SRE teachers and curriculum are provided and authorised by the Buddhist Council of NSW.

For more information on Buddhist SRE and the curriculum please visit 



5.        Hindu SRE teachers and curriculum are provided by the World Hindu Council of Australia.

For more information on Hindu SRE and the curriculum please visit



Voluntary Student Activities of a Religious Nature in Schools

A number of students at Epping Boys High School voluntarily participate in religious groups, which meet during lunchtimes. In accordance with Department of Education policy, visiting group leaders undergo all appropriate child protection checks and practices and the content of the activities is regularly monitored.

Following are details of the voluntary groups of a religious nature, which operate at Epping Boys High School


Inter School Christian Fellowship Leadership         

Run by School Chaplain

Monday lunchtime in the Chaplain's office

Years 10-12



Run by  School Chaplain

Friday lunchtime.

Years 7-12 


ISLAM Prayer group

Supervised by School Staff member

Friday lunchtime.

Years 7-12

Department of Education's Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics Procedures, require parental permission for students who participate in voluntary student activities of a religious nature in schools. Before participating in any of the above mentioned activities, a student must present the permission slip, signed by a parent or carer, to the Head Teacher Admin. Group leaders will maintain a list of all students from whom a permission note has been received. Permission will remain effective for the calendar year, unless a letter of withdrawal is received from the student's parent or carer.


During enrolment, you can choose a special religious education option for your child from the school’s available approved providers. You can withdraw your child from special religious education by selecting alternative meaningful activities, or special education in ethics if it’s available.

You can update your preference by writing to the school or through the online form available at participating schools.
Visit the department’s website for more information about religion and ethics.